Basic Software Installation Steps

Step 0 - Download and Run the Anydesk Remote Software AnyDesk.exe Click here!

Step 1 - Download and Run the Follow Setup: Setup.exe Click here!

Step 2 - Download and Run the Follow Beta Upgrade to the Latest Version: (If you find issues then go back to latest stable version above) Upgradebeta.exe Download Click here!

Step 3 - Download SumatraPDF PDF Viewer for Reports. SumatraPDF Download Click here!

This will allow you to view reports without locking the reports.
Allowing you to run multiple reports at once.
Adobe and Edge will lock reports so when one is open no other report can be run.
You will need to make this PDF View the default for PDF files.

Beta Version of Follow 2 - POSCloud - Download and Run the Follow Setup: Unzip this in the Root folder c:\ and should create just 1 c:\Follow2 Folder. Create a Shortcut for the Follow2.exe in that Folder. All Files need to the in c:\follow2 Folder Except for subfolders Click here!

Star Printer Drivers

TSP 100 Thermal Ticket Printer Driver Download by Clicking here!

SP 700 Impact Tag Printer Driver Download by Clicking here!

Software Needed to Run Reports

Step 4 - ODBC 32 Bit SQL Native 11 Driver Download SQL Server Native 11 Driver ODBC 32 Bit. Clicking here!

Or Step 4 - ODBC 64 Bit SQL Native 11 Driver Download SQL Server Native 11 Driver ODBC 64 Bit. Clicking here!

Step 5 - Modify the ODBC 32 in Windows\SYSWow64\odbcad32.exe Add the VivaldiSQL32 Entry. Call support for Login Info

To send Email to Text phone use this List Phone Company Text Email List

Sometimes Needed for Older Windows Version XP

MDAC 2.8 Windows Database Driver (Not needed for install. Use if issues with Saving Tickets)MCAC 2.8 Click here!

Additional Download and unzip the Program: (Not needed for install)FollowImage.exe Click here!

To Demo The system, set the system up, create a Desktop Icon with C:\Follow\Follow.exe then run and login as user: [email protected] and password 2164.

Configuring GMail Links

You have to enable login from other timezone / ip for your google account. to do this follow the link Click here! and allow access by clicking the continue button. And that's it. Here you go. Now you will be able to login from any of the computer and by any means of app to your google account.

Getting Follow Email to Work with Gmail. Click here and login to your gmail account. Turn on the option to use less secure apps.Click here!

GMail Settings if you have a Gmail email Address. Use the TLS setting.Click here!

Scanning Windows for Missing Files. Use if Email or system is having issues Click here!

Download .Net 2.0. Use if Email or system is still having issues in Windows 10 Click here!

PDF of 2000 Avery Rack Labels Click here!

Installing a Local SQL Server Software

SQL Server Express 2022 Click here!

SQL Server Manager Express 2016 Click here!

SQL Manager Lite Click here!

2023 Full Follow Database Scripts Click here!

2020 Follow Database Scripts Click here!

Follow Database Scripts (Sql) Click here!

Follow Database Scripts (Zip) Click here!

Important ways to Disable Windows Updates Click here!

Legacy X-Charge Server Install Click here!

New X-Charge Server Install PCI Complient Click here!

Legacy X-Charge Server Update SSL PCI Complient Click here!